
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Welcome, y'all!

Admittedly, some guests are harder to please than others.

I have been struggling with many emotions since I got married a little over a year ago. I want to be hip, I want to be trendy and fun; but I want to be the gracious hostess and Southern woman I know I was raised to be. It occurred to me recently that those things aren't mutually exclusive! Lightbulb Moment! I can be trendy and fun while making the people around me comfortable and happy, too! After all, isn't the true meaning of class not a display of your means, but an emphasis on making those around you comfortable?
So many of us (myself included) are working on incredibly tight budgets these days. It seems like there's no way to have a gorgeous home, greet weekend guests, and work full time on such a small budget. I know I would personally benefit from a live-in maid, but I am very aware that is not going to happen anytime soon! I look forward to exploring what makes a belle a Belle, and prying that inner southern gal out of all of us - whether you're in New York, Hong Kong, or the mountains of North Georgia.
I'd love to hear a situation or a conundrum you need help with! We can figure these out together!

Have a great week, y'all!

Charity Caroline


  1. Can't wait to read your posts! I don't know many southerners who aren't transplants from New York so I can't wait to see your take on things. Welcome to the blog-o-verse!
