
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thank You

On this day of thankfulness, I just have a couple of things I want to express: thank you, gorgeous readers, for taking an interest in my blog (or for being a supportive friend - or both!). I get so excited to see that someone has left a comment, or get a sweet text on the day's post.
Second, I want to thank all of the Southern Belles who inspire me, and in doing so have inspired this blog. I am so appreciative of how I was raised by them and how I view the world because of them.
Y'all enjoy this day of family and friends!

Happy Thanksgiving!

(On another note, we set up our tree today...I do not recommend using kittens as Christmas Tree Ornaments.)


  1. Thanks Kareth! It was cute for a picture but a real struggle to get him *out* of the tree (three times). Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  2. I think kittens are the cutest ornaments! How funny.
